Brightman Farm

Hardy Pasture Raised Kiko & Myotonic Goats: Breeding Stock & Pets

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Maple (Brightman Farm)

Lovely 75% Kiko Doe

Goat , Kiko/Myotonic , Doe (female) |Brown/Tan/White

NKR | DOB: 5/24/2017

Sire: BFA Domino (Purebred) (Brightman Farm)

Reference Buck NKR Reg. Purebred Kiko

BFA Domino (Purebred) (Brightman Farm)

Kiko Buck (male) Black with white

NKR# N16M0007BFA6 DOB: 8/6/20168 yrs
Domino sired 6 kids as a young buck on our farm in 2016/2017. We still have his offspring does and grandkid does. He was sold & worked as a research breeding buck at the University of Maryland Small Ruminant program in 2019, due to his superior genetics. See his Performance Tested, Top 10, 2015 Western Maryland Meat Goat Test sire, WYN Geronimo.
  | NKR# N16M0007BFA6 | Black with white
Dam: Salsa

Elegant Crossbred Kiko/Myotonic Doe


Kiko/Myotonic Doe (female) Brown/Tan/White

NKR# N15A0003XYX6 DOB: 3/28/201510 yrs
Salsa is a 50% New Zealand Kiko/50% Myotonic Doe. She produced Linebred 75% Kiko twin doelings, Maple & Shade with BFA Domino on her first kidding in May 2017. Then on May 3, 2019 she & WYN Geronimo produced a beautiful buckling, Buddy Boy. March 24, 2020 she & WYN Simba produced beautiful twins, Apache & Sepia. She is a hardy doe with devoted mother instincts. July 2023, she produced beautiful twin doelings with fast grower buck, Blue's Bianco! She is an excellent mother and healthy Doe with ...
  | NKR# N15A0003XYX6 | Brown/Tan/White

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Maple is a lovely NKR Registered Percentage crossbred Doe, 75% Kiko/25% Myotonic. She had twins on 2/25/19, each weighing 7.5 lbs, sired by our WYN Simba! Her first kids were 1 buckling and 1 doeling. Her 1st 88% Kiko kid doeling, Sarafina, is her 1st to be used for breeding up to Kiko Purebred Status. In 2020, she produced our largest kid doeling to date, beautiful 88% Kiko Shadow Dancer! In 2022 she produced twins again, 1 Buckling and 1 Doeling.with New Zealand Kiko buck Tough's Blue Spitfire. In 2023, she also produced crossbred twins with 1 of our high quality Myotonic Buck's, Capricorn Loverboy. See the offspring links for more information. Even after her many kiddings, she still has excellent udders/ teats!

Updated 3/16/2025