Brightman Farm

Hardy Pasture Raised Kiko & Myotonic Goats: Breeding Stock & Pets

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Moonspun Zydeco (Brightman Farm)

Lots of Moonspots: Myotonic Buckling!

Goat , Myotonic , Kid (male) |Black, Brown, Tan, White

DOB: 6/24/2021

Sire: Sunset Mascarado (BrightmanFarm))

Registered 3 Color 'Fainting' Buckling

Sunset Mascarado (BrightmanFarm))

Myotonic Kid (male) White with Red & Black

MGR# E3437 DOB: 4/20/20204 yrs
'Sunset Mascarado' is an MGR Registered Purebred Myotonic 'Fainting' Buckling! He is super friendly & lively! Twinkling brown eyes! Twin buckling with sister, Crochet Noir (NFS). Excellent genetics from his Sire, Romeo, who is a promising young buck with width & depth with consistent high Famacha scores. His Dam, Lula Mae, is a super friendly goat with amazing mothering and kidding ability. 'Mascarado' can give you a great starting herd or add valuable genetics to your existing herd. UTD on sho ...
  | MGR# E3437 | White with Red & Black
Dam: Moonspun Bonny (Skydance Farm)

Moonspotted Registered Myotonic Doe

Moonspun Bonny (Skydance Farm)

Myotonic Doe (female) White/ Lt Brown/Gray

MGR# D9122 DOB: 3/17/20196 yrs
Moonspun Bonny is an adorable Fainting doe, super healthy and well proportioned. Her moonspotted coat and genetics are sure to produce some lovely kids! She has produced beautiful twin moonspotted bucklings in June 2021 and twin moonspotted doelings in May 2022. April 2023, she produced a beautiful moonspotted doeling, Moonspun Ilana! In June 2022 Bonny tested Negative for Johnes, CAE, CL, Q-Fever & Brucellosis.
  | MGR# D9122 | White/ Lt Brown/Gray
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'Moonspun Zydec'o is a beautiful, pet size breeder from a family of moonspotted genetics! We will breed him here before selling him, but you can be on his waiting list. He is a Purebred Myotonic "fainting" goat with a twin brother 'Moonspun Gelato' who is also moonspotted and being offered for sale at this time. As of October 12th, he is approx. 32 lbs at almost 4 months old. Very healthy with great conformation and disposition! Pending registration with the Myotonic Goat Registry.

Updated 7/16/2022