Brightman Farm

Hardy Pasture Raised Kiko & Myotonic Goats: Breeding Stock & Pets

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'Choco' (Brightman Farm)

Handsome/Hardy PB Kiko Chocolate Wether

Goat , Kiko , Kid Wether (male) |Chocolate

DOB: 7/1/2021

Sire: WYN Geronimo (Purebred)

Performance Tested PB Kiko Herdsire

WYN Geronimo (Purebred)

Kiko Buck (male) Black with minimal white

NKR# N15M1520WYN2 DOB: 2/17/201510 yrs
Excellent Purebred Kiko Buck was in Top 10 of 2015 Western MD Meat Goat Performance Test. Offspring are all healthy. Many are crossbred. 1st kid is a Purebred NKR Registered buck, 'BFA Domino' born in 2016 on our farm, whom we sold to Univ. of Maryland Small Ruminant program as a Research Buck for breeding. Geronimo has given us many wonderful kids with excellent health and beauty!
  | NKR# N15M1520WYN2 | Black with minimal white
Dam: Sarafina (Brightman Farm)

88% Kiko Doeling out of WYN Simba

Sarafina (Brightman Farm)

Kiko/Myotonic Doe (female) Tan & white

DOB: 2/25/20196 yrs
'Sarafina' is 88% Kiko/12% Myotonic and a twin sister of 'Brother'. Her offspring can be NKR Registered as Purebred Kiko! She produced beautiful twin bucklings in 2021. In 2023, she produced beautiful twins: buckling and doeling with Toughs Blue Spitfire. Her sire, WYN Simba is 100% New Zealand Kiko.
  | Tan & white
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'Choco' is a great pet/companion or grazer goat with a beautiful color and personality. Possible future pack goat if buyer can train him. He is friendly and very healthy. Sire is our Top 10 Performance Tested Kiko Herdsire and his dam is a beautiful, healthy large size 88% Kiko Doe. Healthy parents make for "easy keeper" goats with Strong Genetics! "Invest in the Best", just as many do with other types of domesticated animals! Will be ready for a new home mid to late September 2021.

Updated 4/23/2022