Brightman Farm

Hardy Pasture Raised Kiko & Myotonic Goats: Breeding Stock & Pets

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'Bunz' (Brightman Farm)

Handsome PB Kiko Buckling - Top 10 Sire

Goat , Kiko , Kid (male) |Tan/White/Gray

DOB: 7/1/2021

Sire: WYN Geronimo (Purebred)

Performance Tested PB Kiko Herdsire

WYN Geronimo (Purebred)

Kiko Buck (male) Black with minimal white

NKR# N15M1520WYN2 DOB: 2/17/201510 yrs
Excellent Purebred Kiko Buck was in Top 10 of 2015 Western MD Meat Goat Performance Test. Offspring are all healthy. Many are crossbred. 1st kid is a Purebred NKR Registered buck, 'BFA Domino' born in 2016 on our farm, whom we sold to Univ. of Maryland Small Ruminant program as a Research Buck for breeding. Geronimo has given us many wonderful kids with excellent health and beauty!
  | NKR# N15M1520WYN2 | Black with minimal white
Dam: Sarafina (Brightman Farm)

88% Kiko Doeling out of WYN Simba

Sarafina (Brightman Farm)

Kiko/Myotonic Doe (female) Tan & white

DOB: 2/25/20196 yrs
'Sarafina' is 88% Kiko/12% Myotonic and a twin sister of 'Brother'. Her offspring can be NKR Registered as Purebred Kiko! She produced beautiful twin bucklings in 2021. In 2023, she produced beautiful twins: buckling and doeling with Toughs Blue Spitfire. Her sire, WYN Simba is 100% New Zealand Kiko.
  | Tan & white

Other: Unregistered price

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Sold as Future Commercial Herdsire 9/12/21. Super healthy, beautiful and easy to handle Purebred Kiko Buckling for Excellent Commercial Herdsire. Price is Unregistered. Sire is Top 10 Performance Tested Kiko Purebred. Dam is a large 88% Kiko Doe approx 150 lbs at age 2. Six week weight of buckling 27lb - 2 oz. Up to date on CDT shots and more. 10 week weight 40 lbs. Famacha score consistently excellent!

Updated 4/16/2022